As we endeavor to sustain the success of our business and the fulfillment of our joy, there will be some distractions, interruptions, and absurdities along the way. When those show up, check your perspective. It doesn’t have to be hard. In fact it can be EASY...
Success seeks out, aligns, and goes to the deserving. The deserving are the ones that do the work that the achievement requires. In today’s world with immediate access to so much, the easiest thing to be is distracted. One of the most challenging things to be is...
Would you like to be happier and more productive? Sure, who wouldn’t? The answer is simple – Always do your best. Consider this: We all have potentialities in every area of our lives. Our health, career, and relationships each have various components and levels to...
When the going is easy it’s easy to keep going. When it’s hard is the time to remember our POWER to keep going. They don’t make movies about people that always had it easy. We must be the hero in our own journey by remembering our POWER in the face of adversity. To...
When we go for a worthy and compelling goal we may SLIP along the way and it is important to know that’s a part of the process of changing our ways as we shift our paradigm and move into our full potential. The quicker we can forgive ourselves by giving...
Leaders with a Mentor Mindset understand to get to the destination they seek they must be willing to navigate through the STORM in which they may find themselves. They help those they lead be willing to navigate the STORM as well. If you are reading this post you have...