Success seeks out, aligns, and goes to the deserving. The deserving are the ones that do the work that the achievement requires.

In today’s world with immediate access to so much, the easiest thing to be is distracted. One of the most challenging things to be is focused. Those who bring  their thoughts and actions into alignment and focus their energy toward a worthy goal  meet with the success they seek.

How do we become more focused and less distracted? We WEAR it.

W – Write it down every day and throughout the day. Write down and keep visible whatever we decide we need to increase our focus toward.  Also, write down when we become distracted and by what so that we can do something about it.  This increases our conscious awareness which is always the first part of changing any behavior.

E – Environments enable our power.  There is a high probability that what distracts us is in our current environment. Pinging email notifications; piles of files on our desk; people interrupting us asking, “got a minute?” which turns into 20; things we need that we can’t find; things that don’t work properly. Scan our environments and limit or eliminate those things that pull our focus away from where it needs to be.

A – Accountability Buddy.  Let someone we trust and that is willing to support us know what we are up to and going for. Schedule specific time to check in with them around the focused progress we are making. Set up rewards for staying focused and on track. Design and have consequences to redirect our behavior if we get into the weeds with excuses and distractions.

R – Reminders. Notice where we tend to end up when we are distracted and place reminders to get back to where we need to be. Post it notes work great. Setting alarms on our smart phone work brilliantly and bring us back to focus. We can even mail our self our plan or focused to do list. Be creative and make it fun.

If we remember to WEAR our focus we become more deserving of what we want. Let’s take some time to set up what we are going to WEAR today and throughout the week.

Success looks good on you.


Make it up, make it fun, and get it done!