There is a popular adage that states, By failing to plan you are planning to fail. Most people know the importance of planning as a key endeavor for achieving their goals and dreams. There are plenty of workshops, webinars, and videos to show us how to write an...
Leaders with a Mentor Mindset reach out and ask the hard personal questions of the people they lead and care about. They shine the light on what needs to be seen and addressed so those they lead can break through their current upper limits. Nobody ever had a big...
Leaders with a Mentor Mindset write their own rules for winning at life and in business. They show those the lead how to win too. Those that struggle in life and in business often are playing by other people’s rules and they are not aware of it. Chances are they...
Setbacks, stumbling blocks and snafus are all part of the path of success. If there was nothing to overcome, then success would not feel as sweet. When we find ourselves reeling from a setback we must be STRONG so we can continue to progress. Strong is what remains...
Leaders with a Mentor Mindset know the importance of prioritization when it comes to making progress in life. They schedule their time and energy so they can advance toward the important things in their life. They show those they lead how to progress as well. The...
There is no replacement for action when it comes to getting things done. All actions have to start somewhere and that somewhere is from a DREAM. D. R. E. A. M. D – Decide to change. In order to get yourself to take the necessary actions to change your life,...