It Starts with a Vision By Machen MacDonald Having a compelling vision of your future is perhaps the most powerful ingredient to your success. Have a vision and you are hopeful. Lack a vision and you suffer feeling hopeless. A compelling future vision creates a vacuum...
What’s your plan for when the going gets tough? You lose out on a big contract. You don’t get accepted into the program for which you have worked so hard. The car breaks down and there is already more month left at the end of the money as it is. Whether it happens all...
Happy New Year. I hope you had a wonderful 2016 of which you created wonderful lasting memories, made the progress you were hoping for, and are now positioned to continue to bring forth your greatest achievements in the coming year. This is the perfect time of year to...
There is a popular adage that states, By failing to plan you are planning to fail. Most people know the importance of planning as a key endeavor for achieving their goals and dreams. There are plenty of workshops, webinars, and videos to show us how to write an...
Leaders with a Mentor Mindset know how to leverage HOPE to accomplish great things and show those they lead how to leverage HOPE as well in their lives. In any given moment we are either moving in the direction of feeling hopeful or hopeless about our circumstances...
I believe even the most motivated person is going to hit some spots in life where their motivation subsides. To whatever extent one believes they do not possess the capacity to manage themselves in relation to their circumstances, their motivation diminishes. The...