Being a world class leader is being a masterful change agent. Change outside of us is inevitable. Change within us is a choice. Our mindset, our knowledge, the quality of our relationships, and even our success can all be profoundly affected by our choices. Our...
I saw a post on Instagram by Lewis Howes that contributed to my inspiration for writing this article. The post reads, “So many years of education, yet nobody ever taught us how to love ourselves and why it’s so important.” I would suggest that we reflect and think...
Ultimately, we all just want to feel more happiness in our lives. Whether you want to grow a multi-million dollar company, get in better physical shape, have better relationships, buy a new home, or drive a better car, the primary reason is because you believe you...
Your brilliance lies at the intersection of the four P’s. Imagine a Venn diagram with four circles. Where those circles intersect is your zone of brilliance. That is where you must seek to spend the majority of your time and energy so you can feel happier and be more...
Save this for when you need it. We all slide up and down the scale from feeling hopeful to feeling hopeless, depending on the circumstances within which we find ourselves. To move back up the scale, toward hopeful, remember these three important factors to personal...
Are you addicted to your struggles? Struggling and grinding seem to be the new fad. The addiction to adrenaline being the drug of choice seems to be acceptable. There is an easier way to find joy in life and success and fulfillment in your business. Take a deep...