Raise your hand if you could use a little more certainty when it comes to growing your business, managing your career, nurturing your relationships, effectively managing your finances, or even improving your health. Certainty is a primary need all of us have. There...
The confidence we seek is on the other side of the risk we fear to take. Our feelings of confidence either expand or contract in direct proportion to our willingness to venture into that place of the uncertain, or wherever we tend to fear. If we play it safe by...
There is a popular adage that states, By failing to plan you are planning to fail. Most people know the importance of planning as a key endeavor for achieving their goals and dreams. There are plenty of workshops, webinars, and videos to show us how to write an...
Leaders with a Mentor Mindset know it’s not the current conditions that shape our life. It’s the DECISIONS we make that shapes our life. Leaders help those they lead make better decisions. Let’s face it…it’s your decisions that have...
Leaders with a Mentor Mindset reach out and ask the hard personal questions of the people they lead and care about. They shine the light on what needs to be seen and addressed so those they lead can break through their current upper limits. Nobody ever had a big...