Leaders with a Mentor Mindset write their own rules for winning at life and in business. They show those the lead how to win too.
Those that struggle in life and in business often are playing by other people’s rules and they are not aware of it. Chances are they don’t even know what game they are even supposed to be playing anymore. Even if they know the game, it is highly unlikely they know the rules for winning the game. There are, perhaps, so many rules they could not possibly satisfy or comply with all of them to string together a win. This isn’t rocket surgery. It’s easier for most people to win at tic-tac-toe than it is to win at the game of chess.
Limited number of rules in tic-tac-toe equates to an easier chance of winning the game. One may argue that it is more rewarding winning a game with more complexity such as chess. This may or may not be true. Notice if that is a rule you make up around the game of winning. It’s all a game.
If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading – Lao Tzu
Here is how you can end the losing streak and get a check in the WIN column.
First, Stop playing the wrong game. The game most people are playing and don’t even realize it, is the comparing game. Nobody has ever won, is winning, nor will ever win the game of comparing themselves or their accomplishments to others. What makes this game impossible to win is we compare the wrong things. We compare what are our out takes and everything on the cutting room floor with everybody else’s’ highlight reel.
A great way to reverse this trend is to build our highlight reel mindfully and notice the progress we make by what we continually add to it over time.
Second, Clearly define the game we want to win. Is it the game of being a great dad or mom? Perhaps, it’s the game of being an impactful leader. Maybe the game we want to win is the Perpetual Profitable Producer game. Could it be all three? The more meaningful to the game is to us, the better the chance we have at winning it.
Third, Write the rules so we can actually win our game. Here’s a hint. The less rules the easier it is to win.
Fourth, Know other people’s rules if we are going to engage with them in their game. Determine if we have a chance to win too.
By learning how to clearly define the game(s) we want to be playing and rewriting the rules so we can actually win the game are two of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves and others.