Are you overwhelmed? Lost your enthusiasm? Could you use more clarity? Caught in the busy trap? Perhaps wound a little too tight?
Then simply STOP. That’s right, take a break from the environment that is causing you the amalgamated angst.
I can already see your eyes rolling as you sigh, “Who has time to stop? I have way too much to do. People are depending on me.” Yes, I hear you … and it’s time to take a break. You know you need a break and keeping on keeping on is merely compounding the problem. There is power in unplugging.
How do you unplug with effectiveness so that it serves you and those around you? Simply remember to S.T.O.P.
S- Separate from the grind. When you are focused on a problem, issue or task, it stays in your conscious mind. However, there are some problems that you are unlikely to solve until the problem gets the attention of your unconscious mind. How do you let your unconscious mind take a look at your current enigma? You have to take a break.
Have you ever noticed how once you step away from something or perhaps even give up on it that a solution soon presents itself? It’s the same with how you feel recharged and clear after a vacation. There is a deeper part of you that has the answers.
The first part of Separating from the grind is believing that 1. It will serve you to do so. 2. Things won’t blow up without you. And 3. If it does blow up, you have the capacity to handle it. By the way, you really do.
T -Take ME Time. Think of ME as Mental and Emotional. Sometimes it’s stepping away from your desk and going for a walk to clear the cobwebs and get the blood and oxygen flowing again. Other times it may be taking a day or two away from your regular environment every few months to recalibrate. I’m going to propose that you build an hour of power every single day for yourself. You may need to get the troops on board for this both at home and at work. Please understand it’s not being selfish to do so. It’s about being self-full. Just remember if your lamp runs out of oil you can’t light the way for anybody else.
Work up to an hour a day and a day per month. This will bring tremendous energy and balance back into life. I have several clients where they have finally developed the ability to work only four days every week with one ME day to spend any way they want. They have accomplished this while having their most productive years.
O- Off Site. During your ME Time. Get away from the current environment and go to a location where you will not be distracted or interrupted. This could be a hotel or bed & breakfast in your own town or a trip to a nearby inspiring location. Do yourself the biggest favor of all and leave behind the electronic leashes. You will need to plan this out and make arrangements to have point people in place to handle any issues that may arise in your absence. This may take some work and is well worth it. The power in going Off Site is you will actually think differently in a new environment unencumbered with all the old nonsense. The thoughts you have in the Off Site environment will serve you once you return.
P – Plug Back in. Have a plan for integrating back into your work and family life. This will be different for each individual. Some are eager to jump right back in with a new perspective and get right to work while others like to ease back into their work world. Pay attention to what works best for you and set up your return day to be in alignment with how you operate best.
So, next time you find yourself in a high speed wobble, trust your gut and S.T.O.P.
Make it up, make it fun & make it happen!