Have you ever struggled to get what you want? Was the struggle necessary? Perhaps. I would like to share a process that can help you eliminate much of the struggle. A favorite quote of mine by Janet Atwood states, “When you are clear, what you want will show up and only to the extent you are clear.” This is often the biggest challenge to securing the peace, income, health or relationship we desire. Once you are clear on what you want, LOVE is the answer to experiencing the achievement of it.
Imagine a circle. That circle represents all of the information, process, resources and solutions to achieving what you want. Visualize a ten percent slice of that circle. That slice represents what you know you know about what, how and why you are trying to achieve. Another ten percent slice of the circle represents what you know you don’t know about all of it. The challenge is that we tend to slip into an altered state that our awareness of the combined two slices totaling only 20% of what we know and what we don’t know make up the entire universe of what we are trying to achieve.
The answers, to accelerating the achievement, lie in the remaining 80% of the circle which is made up of all the information, resources, processes that we don’t even know we don’t know exists. Hopefully as you read that it bends the mind a bit but also gives rise to hope and optimism for moving closer to what you want.
So, how do you access that new frontier of the 80% ? The answer is with LOVE.
Follow this four step process to getting what you want and wanting what you get. This will also lead to your gaining more clarity along the way, which in and of itself will bring you closer to your goals, dreams and desires.
L – Let go. Stop holding on so tight and trying to control every little thing, including those pernicious thoughts of it’s not or it can’t work out. Develop a trust or precursor faith that what you desire will actually come to pass. This can be done by taking time each day to vividly imagine already having achieved the goal. By doing so, you gain access to the 80% and become more receptive to answers and solutions. When you are uptight you are not attractive to the people and resources that can help you. Loosen up.
O-Observe the evidence you are moving toward what you desire. If you don’t have what you want, it’s because you have developed the ability to focus on the evidence of you not having it. What you focus on expands. Start to notice the shifts that the winds are changing in your direction. The more you do this the more you will notice things coming into alignment for the achievement of your objectives. You will reach a tipping point whereby it gets easier to see how easy it really is to experience what you want.
V –Vet and explore what is working and contributing to your success as well as what is not working and contaminating the prospects of your success. Constantly recalibrate your plan to incorporate what is revealed to you from within the 80%.
E – Execute and do what it takes. Success is the reward for accessing solutions not for accessing excuses. We live in a cause and effect world. Even with the law of attraction it takes action to get the traction you seek. Action makes up most of the word attraction. Be attractive to what you desire by taking action on what you become exposed to in the 80%.
It may be cliché and I’ll say it anyway…all you need is LOVE.
Make it up, make it fun & make it happen!