Leaders with a Mentor Mindset B.R.E.A.T.H.E. when the going gets tough so they can continue their progress and breakthrough. They show those they lead how to B.R.E.A.T.H.E. as well.

There will always be adversities, obstacles, and challenges on the path to success and greatness. Learning to navigate effectively through, over, and around them is what sets achievers apart from the rest.

Next time you find yourself up against the opportunity to help you grow, or what others may call an “obstacle”, remember to B.R.E.A.T.H.E.

B – Be Here Now. Get present with what is. Don’t wish it to be gone or to be easy. Wish to rise to the occasion. Be thankful for the opportunity to become better. Your power is not in the past, nor in the future. It is right here right now.

R – Remember Your Brilliance! Take a quick inventory of all that you have achieved; how you have grown; what you have learned; and what makes you great.

E – Envision Your Desired and Compelling Future. Pull up your VISION and associate to the fulfillment of it. From that place of fulfillment, look back on today and see how this situation is a milestone along the way.

A Anticipate. Imagine the potential stumbling blocks associated to this opportunity. Simply having a mindset of awareness is half the battle. Awareness allows us to do something about it.

T – Think Strategically. Come up with three ways to handle the current situation and the anticipated stumbling blocks.

H – Harness Your Power. From your inventory of brilliance, summon what you need to keep moving forward. Trust that you already have what you need.

E – Execute the Next Best Action. You can’t do it all at once. Based on your strategic thinking, what is the next thing that must be done? Say, “Bring It On!”, then lean in and do it. Feel the progress and keep on keepin’ on.

When you find yourself stuck or up against a hard place, activate your Mentor Mindset. Use this proven seven-step process to get unstuck and activate your next breakthrough!