Stop wasting your time, money and energy on trying to be someone you’re not. Just be yourself. Authenticity is a word that perhaps may be overused. However, it’s the word of the day when it comes to building relationships, developing partnerships and acquiring new ideal clients.
Being authentic is simply being you while not trying to rescue others from what you may hallucinate are your flaws and imperfections. Your perceived flaws and imperfections are simply part of who you are. No one is void of them. Learn to love them and leverage them.
Being authentic is indeed being vulnerable and yet knowing you can handle whatever may come about as a result. There is a power that comes from knowing the real gold comes only from putting yourself out there in an authentic way.
You are being authentic when you follow your gut. I can’t tell you how many times I hear from people who end up in precarious situations in which they had a hunch or an inkling about a person they regret getting into relationship with. Many tend to shame themselves for not listening to their gut.
Learning to follow your intuition is the path to living authentically. The actress and singer Judy Garland put it so eloquently when she would say, “Always be a first-rate version of yourself rather than a second-rate version of someone else.”
Call it being authentic, original or unique. You are blessed with various innate talents. Identify those gifts. Nurture them and endeavor to share them with the world.
Your ideal client wants all of you, not the second-rate version or the polished imposter.
We share a program with many of our ideal clients that walks them through how to identify who their ideal client really is. Once they are clear on who that ideal client is, they can then market and promote to them because they understand exactly what will really resonate.
Upon completion of the exercise, clients are amazed at how similar in purpose, values and characteristics their ideal client is to themselves. In this case, like attracts like.
Author Martha Beck says it in the following way, “You spot it, You got it!” This is not at all about the demographics of the market you may be targeting. It’s deeper than even the psycho graphics. We are talking about the core quintessence of your ideal customer.
Once you are aware of who your ideal client is, you actually become more attractive to your ideal client.
You probably already have an ideal client. It’s the one that you feel like you have known forever right off the bat. They enjoy the same things as you. They accept your suggestions and recommendations. They don’t push back. They are a raving fan in that they refer others to you. You have similar values. You may share similar life experiences, hardships and triumphs. You feel most relaxed and most yourself when you are with them.
How would you like to have a lot more ideal clients just like them? Just be yourself.
Make it up, make it fun and make it happen!