Don’t trade your time for tolerations. How would your life be different if you did not have to tolerate any more excuses from yourself or from others? Imagine living an excuse free life. Who would you be? What would you do? What could you achieve? How could you profoundly affect others? It is your choice as to whether you  tolerate excuses.

Toleration of Excuses is a Choice.

So, what is an excuse?  It is a reason or the “why”  something did not get done. It is the story or justification  of why an obligation was not met.  It’s the rationalization of why  a promise or commitment was not kept.

Are there legitimate reasons, stories, justifications and rationalizations as to why  something could not get accomplished? That is for you to decide.  Your decision may depend on what side of the excuse you are on.  If you are providing the excuse it may seem justified. If you are on the receiving end, perhaps there is no justification that is good enough because of perceived damages incurred.  Just remember it works both ways and is just an evaluation by each party involved.  The point here is not if the excuse is justified. Any excuse will suffice. The point is something did not get done that was expected to be done.

You Can Have Desired Results
or You Can Have Excuses…You Can’t Have Both.

The upset is in the set up.  Most environments or cultures that are mired in mediocrity are swirling in excuses. Excuses are made possible from the following

  • Agreements and expectations have not been clearly defined .
  • Progress check-ins are not scheduled in advance; nor are they adhered to if they are in place.
  • Strategies for recalibration or re-negotiation for getting back on track are not established in the beginning.
  • People don’t feel safe asking for help or admitting they don’t have the knowledge, skill or will to do something as it becomes apparent.
  • There is no process for using missed deadlines and failed attempts as learning opportunities to improve performance.
  • Excuses are tolerated and people are therefore not aware they are performing sub par.
  • Over committing and not planning for potential or probable hindrances .


To experience the benefits of playing  in the no excuse zone, become a leader that can:

  • Set clear expectations around what success looks like with defined milestones.
  • Assure clarity of what doing well looks like.
  • Establish regular check points to track progress and discover potential.
  • Create a safe environment that provides constructive feedback and is dedicated to learning.
  • help people anticipate setbacks and develop a contingency plan.
  • STOP tolerating excuses. Use situations as opportunities to teach and coach the people you lead; including yourself.

Imagine reclaiming the time that gets sucked up from commitments not being kept and the energy wasted from going around and around orchestrating excuses.  What is one typical excuse you tolerate from yourself that keeps you from getting what you really want? And, What is one common excuse you tolerate from others?  Are you willing to stop tolerating and finding a way to achieve what has been eluding you? This week start by limiting your tolerations for excuses. In the weeks that follow work on eliminating the excuses. What will  you choose to do with your new found time?

Make it up, make it fun, and get it done!