Having a clear, compelling, and brief presentation, also known as an elevator pitch, is crucial for a small business owner because it allows them to effectively communicate their value proposition to potential customers or investors in a concise and persuasive manner.

In the time it takes you to get from the lobby to the top floor of your prospect’s office which is only about 40 seconds, you should be able to capture their attention, activate their curiosity, and create a gap that prompts them to want to learn more about how you can help them “close the gap”. By addressing the problems their audience has and highlighting what their prospects want, a small business owner can capture the attention and interest of their target market. Here are three ideas to help small business owners better understand their prospects’ true wants and needs and communicate their offer effectively:

  1. Conduct thorough market research: Small business owners should invest time and effort into understanding their target market. Conducting market research helps identify the pain points, challenges, and desires of potential customers. This can be done through surveys, interviews, focus groups, or analyzing existing data. By gaining insights into their audience’s needs, small business owners can tailor their products or services to address those specific pain points and desires. This can easily be done by reaching out to your 10-20 best clients and asking them what was the problem they felt they had that they didn’t want when they were considering hiring you. You will come to find they will all tell you just about the same thing.
  2. Develop buyer personas: Creating detailed buyer personas, also called avatars or customer profiles, can provide a deeper understanding of the ideal customers for a small business. A buyer persona is a fictional representation of an ideal customer, including demographic information, motivations, goals, and challenges. Small business owners can use these personas to empathize with their prospects and craft messages that resonate with their specific needs and desires. By understanding their audience at a personal level, small business owners can better communicate how their offer solves their problems and fulfills their aspirations.
  3. Engage in active listening and customer feedback: Small business owners should actively listen to their customers and encourage open communication. This can be achieved through various channels such as customer feedback surveys, social media interactions, or direct conversations. By listening to their customers’ feedback, concerns, and suggestions, small business owners gain valuable insights into their customers’ true wants and needs. They can then adjust their products, services, or messaging to better align with those desires and effectively communicate the benefits and value they offer.

In terms of communicating their offer effectively, small business owners should keep the following points in mind:

  • Be concise and clear: Craft a compelling elevator pitch that concisely communicates the unique value proposition of the business. Focus on the core benefits and outcomes that prospects can expect from the product or service. Avoid jargon or technical terms that may confuse the audience and instead use simple and easily understandable language.
  • Use storytelling: Weaving a compelling narrative around the product or service can help capture the attention and interest of prospects. Storytelling allows small business owners to connect with their audience on an emotional level, highlighting how their offer can transform lives or solve problems.
  • Tailor the message to the audience: Understand the specific needs, wants, and preferences of the target audience and customize the message accordingly. Speak directly to their pain points and desires, and explain how the product or service uniquely addresses those needs. This personalization creates a stronger connection with the prospects and increases the chances of a positive response. Below are a couple actual examples:
    • Hi, I’m John, and I run a boutique coffee shop called ‘Bean Haven.’ We are all about creating a cozy atmosphere for coffee lovers to enjoy specialty brews sourced from local farmers. Our baristas are passionate about crafting the perfect cup and we also host weekly live music events. If you’re looking for a unique coffee experience in town, come visit Bean Haven.
    • Hi, I’m Pat, the owner of ‘Tech Solutions’ a local IT consulting firm. I was talking with another small business owner earlier today and they were sharing with me they were having trouble with “X” and worried about how to handle “Y”, and trying to figure out a better way to “Z”, we were able to take care of all three; are those things you ever have to deal with or worry about ?”

By implementing these strategies, small business owners can better understand their prospects’ wants and needs and effectively communicate their offer, increasing their chances of attracting and converting potential customers.

Make it up, make it fun, and get it done!