Your brilliance lies at the intersection of the four P’s. Imagine a Venn diagram with four circles. Where those circles intersect is your zone of brilliance. That is where you must seek to spend the majority of your time and energy so you can feel happier and be more...
What are you looking to change or improve? We have found, when affecting the desired and lasting change you are looking for, that there are six stages that you must master. Awareness – This is the first stage, where you recognize that something needs to change....
To continue to grow your business, you know you need to reach out to prospects and connect with existing clients. Good communication needs to happen on a regular and frequent basis. Many of your competitors have figured it out and are doing it well. In order to stay...
NEWSFLASH: There is always going to be more to do than we can do. With pretty much everything moving at the speed of thought these days, we are exposed to more stimuli and action items in one day than our great-grandparents were in a year. When our calendar and to-do...
Leaders with a Mentor Mindset know there is no room in the game for shame. And by game, we mean whatever you need it to mean. It can relate to your career, your relationships, and/or your health. Throughout history, there has never been a perfect human being....
Leaders with a Mentor Mindset know that November is a great time to take inventory of what to say “No” or “No more” to. In today’s world, we experience more stimulation in one week than our ancestors did in an entire year just a couple...