Avoid Follow Through Failure

In sports, coaches always emphasize the importance of follow-through.  Whether you’re learning to swing a golf club, baseball bat or tennis racquet, you must follow through.  It’s not just hitting the ball that matters, it’s how you continue your swing...

10 Ways to Clean Up Your Financial Act

Almost everyone’s finances can use a little cleaning. So whether your finances just track a little dirt into the room or have you wading hip deep in muck, below are 10 practices that can clean you up. 1. Know your numbers. Your income and expenses, credit score,...

The Six Pack of Success

I recently returned from a convention in Atlanta where the top five percent of all financial advisors and insurance agents in the world meet each year.  I had the privilege to hear a keynote presentation from an amazing individual who is the winningest  basketball...

Creating Systems for Success

Most of us run our lives using a handful of systems.  Between our cell phones, our planners and our e-mail in boxes, we have organized ourselves and our time.  And if you ever doubt the importance of these systems, recall your panic the last time you lost your...