The more joyful you are the more productive you will be

The more joyful you are the more productive you will be

If it is to be,  it is up to me. Some may view this as trite.  However, it is absolutely true. In order to affect the change we seek or achieve the objective we desire,  we must take ownership and responsibility.  We must respond with all of our ability.

In order to move toward what we are looking to achieve we must first ask, “Why do I seek this achievement or change?” Regardless of your response to that question, when you peel back the answer to its core essence it will ultimately have to do with you wanting more joy or happiness in your life.

Any turbulence you experience is simply due to the fact that you have forgotten your joy always exists.

It is typical to imagine,  if I could just have or experience this or that then I would be more happy. We make our happiness conditional. Yet, perhaps we equate our happiness upon the wrong conditions.  If I just made or had this much more money; if my spouse or kids would just behave this certain way;  if my boss or employees were just more supportive then I would be more happy.  Perhaps on a larger scale your mind goes to: If there was less unrest in the world, if there was more fairness, less poverty, if, if, if…

The thinking that if I just achieve this or that  then I’ll be happy is backwards thinking. True, when you win or achieve you may certainly feel joy. However, it is temporary. To make it lasting, you must learn to happily win, happily achieve, joyfully interact, joyfully navigate, negotiate, and demonstrate during the misperceived struggles.

Joy is an inside job and it is our responsibility and no one else’s.

Whatever we perceive as good or bad, what provides or prohibits our joy  all coexists . You can’t have one without the other. No up, no down. So, we must coexist as well. The best part is we get a choice in the matter. The challenge is we may have developed the habit of making the wrong choice as to what we focus on and what we predominantly think. If what we focus on and perpetually think causes us to worry, doubt and fear,  then we have rented out our mind to the heathens.

It may be time to take back you’re your own property and evict the unjoyful.

How does one do that?

  1. Create a Smile File: When we are up against the adversity along the way to our goals,  it is easy to forget our worth and become unresourceful. This is the time to re-member, to come back to our resourcefulness. This can be done by reviewing our past accomplishments and triumphs. Make an ongoing list of your blessings, accomplishments and triumphs. Keep the cards, notes and letters that bring you joy as you read and reread them. When the going gets tough, remember go to your Smile File and re-member your resourcefulness.
  2. Go to the GYM: Start a new conditioning program and Guard Your Mind from negative thoughts & influences. And Guide Your Mind toward positive thoughts & influences.
  3. Realize Success comes from successive failures: Absolutely nobody succeeds at everything every time. All great accomplishments had their share of what many would perceive as stumbling blocks along the way. Those that have the strength to persevere have developed the ability to see the difficulties as stepping stones. Create the thinking habit that any adversity is simply a stepping stone and not a stumbling block.

If you make up your mind to be happy as you  set out on your endeavors, your joyous way will smooth  the way for accomplishments.