27 Q’s to Make Your 4th Q Great
What is the one thing that if you did it either differently or more effectively would have made your 3rd quarter even better?
Well, you have one more quarter to finish the the year strong!
We hope the questions below help bring forth your best strategic thinking and lead you to even greater success than you may have imagined.
Our two primary questions for you are: How was your third quarter of the year? And, how will you make your fourth quarter be even better? To help you evaluate and plan we have prepared some questions to help you gain the clarity needed to develop and keep the focus you need for making the fourth quarter of 2012 your best quarter yet and finish the year strong!
Reflecting on Q3:
1. What was your biggest triumph in Q3?
2. What was the smartest decision you made in Q3?
3. What one word best sums up and describes your Q3 experience?
4. What was the greatest lesson you learned in Q3?
5. What was the most loving service you performed in Q3?
6. What is your biggest piece of unfinished business in Q3?
7. What are you most happy about completing in Q3?
8. Who were the 3 people that had the greatest impact on you in Q3?
9. What was the biggest risk you took in Q3?
10. What was the biggest surprise in Q3?
11. What important relationship improved the most in Q3?
12. What compliment would you liked to have received in Q3?
13. What compliment would you liked to have given in Q3?
14. What else do you need to do or say to be complete with Q3?
Creating a Compelling Q4:
1. What would you like to be your biggest triumph in Q4?
2. What advice would you like to give yourself in Q4?
3. What is the major effort you are planning to improve your financial results in Q4?
4. What would you be most happy about completing in Q4?
5. What major indulgence are you willing to experience in Q4?
6. What would you most like to change about yourself in Q4?
7. What are you looking forward to learning in Q4?
8. What do you think your biggest risk will be in Q4?
9. What about your work, are you most committed to changing and improving in Q4?
10. What is one as yet undeveloped talent you are willing to explore in Q4?
11. What brings you the most joy & how are you going to do or have more of that in Q4?
12. Who or what, other than yourself, are you most committed to loving & serving in Q4?
13. What one word would you like to have as your theme in Q4?
By investing just 15-20 minutes right now and really thinking through these questions you can dramatically impact the next 90 days in your life and in your business. Isn’t it worth the small fraction of time?